Wednesday, March 16, 2011

We planted seeds!

I have never, ever grown anything from a seed. I was honestly wondering to myself, "I wonder what a bell pepper seed looks like" as I opened the seed packet. Sadly, this is not the dumbest thing I thought today. Anyway, here are Isaac, Esme, and I planting tomato and pepper seeds in the basement. The coolest part was watching the seed-starter pellets swell up. Am I the only one who had no idea these existed until now? Esme, a true girl to the core, helped me plant one seed and complained for 15 minutes about how there was dirt on her finger. Isaac, always my diligent helper, planted his share of seeds despite the temptation to play in the huge box sitting right next to him. That came later and ended in injury and tears (of course).

Here's an extreme close-up of our veggies...we're going to do a patch of garlic, a patch of onions, a patch of peppers and tomatoes, and a patch of strawberries. My goal is to learn how to can these things. Including a delicious spaghetti sauce (recipe to be determined) that my great-great-grandchildren will still be making in the 2100's. Or whatever year that will be - I can't handle that kind of math at this point in the day. I really want to can some of the garlic in olive oil like they have in the fancy-and-expensive-food section of the grocery store.

Grow, little seedlings, grow!

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