Thursday, March 17, 2011

I love this stuff

  1. I was clicking around yesterday trying to find other mommy blogs that I can follow, and I found a woman who has to be one of the best moms ever. Check this out: I love this blog. There's a post on how to butcher a cow. Need I say more? 
  2. I also have a new favorite song: Manifesto, by The City Harmonic, which you can listen to (a snippet of it, anyway) here: You know how some songs just give you that happy feeling in your chest? This is one of those.
  3. I found the sewing machine that I want, and here it is, the Brother 2600i. If it was food, I would be drooling.
  4. A Facebook friend showed me this website, One Pretty Thing, which is a compilation of craft projects from all over the Web. Very cool. Take a look at one of the crafts - making baby pants from an old sweater!
  5. Isaac's new spring job: growing nightcrawlers. Here's how to do it:
  6. My new favorite annoying techno-term: linky. This is not just an affectionate nickname for a link, it's a blog tool that lets you post a list of links. 
  7. I just figured out the shortcut key to show/hide my list of bookmarks (in Mozilla Firefox - not sure if this works in Internet Explorer): Ctrl+B.


  1. 1 - I have a Brother sewing machine and love it. Problem - I can never find bobbins for it, so I have to order them online. Walmart here carries Singer stuff and JoAnn's has Singer & Viking stuff. Could be I don't know what I am doing - I am self taught (by blogs & online tutorials like those found on oneprettything and youtube) I found it on Overstock, worth a look when you are ready to buy.

    2 - Just read your homeschooling blog post - I like it! A lot of the parents I hang out or know with have been crazy about PRESCHOOL (going to wait in line to register at 5 am). I haven't sent my first 2 to 3 year school - GASP and really debate pre-k for some similar reasons (on the 3 & 4 yr old level, not 10 yr old level.) I figure the $$ is better spent on their 529 plans. At this point I have no desire to home school and don't believe I'd be good at it, but sharing - has a home school section that has had some interesting & informative posts by a guest blogger, you may want to check it out.

    Hope you are enjoying your time home with your kiddos! I have been home 20 months now and have enjoyed it! I am looking forward to being home with my next peanut (scheduled to arrive mid-April) for an extended period of time - no thought of 'having to go back to work in 10 weeks' looming in my head.

  2. Thank you, Beth Ann, for the sewing machine advice and the homeschooling support! I love to hear from other moms who stay at home and have a passion for homemaking. Congratulations and enjoy your precious, priceless time at home!
