Friday, March 25, 2011

Guess what I found??

Yep. You know what those are. They were with a tablecloth I brought home from church, inside my bag of maternity clothes in the storage room. I had glanced through this bag already, but something told me to try again (the jeans fairy? the Holy Spirit?)...hooray! For your help in my search, Em, you're getting a batch of Nutella S'mores bars, and Amy, you're getting a batch of chocolate chip cookies.

So, not only did I meet one of my goals for this year yesterday (finding those darned pants), I came a little bit closer to meeting another one. I was running my usual 10-minute mile on the treadmill yesterday and decided, after half a mile or so, that I should just see how long I could go at a 9-minute pace. So I ended up running 5 miles in 46:30, which I thought was awesome. I even finished the last half-mile or so at an 8:30 pace, and it didn't feel that hard! This was a violation of the Rec Center policy on how long you can be on a treadmill, but there weren't very many other people there and plenty of other machines were free, so I'm not letting that spoil my joy. Of course, this morning, one of my calves feels like a stabbed it and I'm walking like an old woman, but I don't care.

Then, yet another cool thing happened. Isaac and I were in a panic yesterday because our tomato plants have sprouted and we didn't know what to do about the lid, because the little sprouts are pressing against it. The directions address this, much to our relief, and say to prop it open, so that's what I did. I can't wait to get this garden started, although it's supposed to snow on and off for the next few days, so my spring fever is waning a little bit.

Simon and I finally met with his teacher yesterday, and I gave her a Vanderbilt (ADD) assessment to fill out. Sigh. We both told him how we knew he was a good boy, and he needs to change his behavior, and she set out some bribes for him to make it through the day today without incident. I don't foresee anything changing as a result of the meeting, but I really hope it does. I just don't want him to be diagnosed with ADD...I feel like having one kid with it is fine and normal, but two kids means that I don't know how to parent without medication and am inventing symptoms just to drug them. And it freaks me out to think that I'll be teaching two kids with ADD at home in the same room. But I watched Simon during our meeting with his teacher, and he really does seem to have a hard time sitting still and listening. I guess it's different when you watch him in an actual classroom, because at home, his squirming and running around and constant chatter don't seem as out-of-place. If he has it, he definitely has the "H" part too, unlike his brother. Yikes.

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