Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Parenting is so...rewarding

Esme: Mom, I used to go to day care, then to school, then to day care again.
Me: Yes, you did.
Esme: That was really fun, Mom. I liked that.
Me: Yes, and now you get to stay home with me.
Esme: (silence)
Me: Would you rather go to day care again?
Esme: Yeah, Mom, I would.
Me: (silent meditation on the fact that children do NOT know what is best for them and internal struggle between Rational Me and the me who wants to drop to the floor and throw a temper tantrum)


  1. Al - It's not you. It's the short attention span of children. And the fact that they ALWAYS want what they do not currently have. I bet if she were to go back to the "old way" she would be asking you when she could stay home with you in 3 days!

  2. I love you Allison! Thanks for sharing this - it made me smile. You truly are one of the best moms I know & those kids will certainly reap the benefits of having you at home with them! Silly Esme - you know, our kids don't appreciate us until they're much older. Like 30'ish I think. ;)
