Friday, July 8, 2011

Explosive Cardio

I love Exercise TV. I don't actually get it on my TV, but they have a Website from which you can watch a ton of free workout videos (or pay to download them, which I think is crazy, but I guess they're more portable that way). I just rediscovered it this morning, and I did this "explosive cardio" workout with Kendall Hogan (my favorite of all of their trainers): It's one of those workouts that start slow and trick you into thinking it's going to be a piece of cake, but by halfway through you're panting and sweating and wishing it was over. If you're like me and pretty much have to work out at home because of family logistics, you need to check out this site. I like to pick out one cardio and one strength workout per day, which ends up being about 50-60 minutes. You can do aerobics, kickboxing, abs, legs, arms, name it. I'm not super-fit or anything, but I get a pretty challenging workout from most of them. When you're sick of your workout videos, this is an awesome alternative, and most of them don't require any equipment. Some use dumbells or an exercise ball, but that's about it.

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