Friday, April 22, 2011

Their own personalities

I'm constantly being surprised by how different my kids are from each other. They each have their own distinct personalities, and man, are they cute. Here are some of the endearing, unusual traits that I love:

  • Adores cooking shows. He especially likes Guy Fieri on the Food Network.
  • Loves to draw and doodle. Most of his free time is spent drawing elaborate creatures and then explaining them to half-listening adults in minute detail.
  • Is very, very sensitive. When chastised, Simon is my only child who actually shows remorse.
  • Wakes up in the morning ready to go. Bounces off the walls from the minute I get him out of bed. Note: this is not always so endearing.
  • Is extremely observant and good at remembering what happened in the fifth scene of the third Star Wars movie and what Simon did to wrong him three years ago last Tuesday.
  • Loves bible study and asks questions that are usually too deep for me to answer right away ("If God knows about everything before it happens, does God make bad things happen?").
  • Pretends every toy is a mommy or a baby. Can play make believe non-stop for hours, all by herself.
  • Loves to help me cook and clean. Her favorite thing is to dust with the Swiffer duster, which I can't watch, because she's always on the verge of knocking something off the wall/shelf.
  • Sings along with any song, even if she can't figure out the words. My current favorite is "Waltzing Matilda," which she sings falsetto.
  • Smiles with one side of her mouth first, then the other side catches up and it's the cutest thing you've ever seen.
  • Spends minutes at a time staring at whatever's closest to her with a wide-eyed, shocked expression. Again, very adorable.
  • Smells like frosted flakes, except when she's pooping.

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