Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A New Bathroom

Isaac told me that it's just like living in a hotel since our bathroom was remodeled. Now, he says, we just need to work on the every other room in the house (starting with his; step one: kick Simon out). It does look wonderful, especially the gorgeous new vanity, constructed by our friend Tom Riddle, who can build or fix just about anything. My parents (and landlords) let me pick out the counter top, paint, and flooring, and I think I rose to the challenge. My handy husband put the mirror back up last night, so I decided that it's finally time to reveal the end results. It's such a small room that I had a hard time taking pictures, but I say, smaller bathroom equals less square footage from which to mop up chest hairs and pee.

It's Formica, but doesn't it look like granite? 

Another optical illusion...it's not tile, but it really, really looks like tile. And no grout to have to seal and keep clean!

The color is called Peaceful Pines. Makes me want a bubble bath, without any interruptions from children who have to go potty. Because it's never a number one when Mom is in the tub.

Check out the cool curvy shower curtain rod. Oh, and I got all of the "soft goods" from K-Mart with a $30 off coupon, which I think was in their advertiser last week. You can get $30 off any "home" purchase of $100 or more. Don't ask...not even the store clerks knew what qualified as a "home" purchase. Just so you know, if you're $10 short, grabbing some hairspray and lotion is not going to help you out - these are not qualifying purchases. It will only delay the checkout process and annoy everyone in line behind you. And if you go back again to try to find more "home" goods, get something that will definitely cost more than what you need (beware of sheets that are on clearance for even less than marked, for example), or you might end up short yet again, further annoying everyone. I ended up with a shower curtain and liner, four bath towels, two hand towels, a rug, a soap dispenser, a set of twin sheets (additional purchase #1 - on sale for $6!!), and a picture frame (additional purchase #2) for about $80.

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