Monday, May 16, 2011

Random Questions

In our parenting class the other week, John and I had to complete a questionnaire to determine our love "touchpoints." I love filling out questionnaires like that, so I'm writing one of my own. There is absolutely no science involved in this whatsoever, but I'm going to give it to my husband just to see how well I can predict his answers. There's no answer key to unlock the secrets of his personality, because that would be a whole lot more work, and it would be wrong if I wrote it anyway. I took Psychology more than 10 years ago and slept through most of it, and that's pretty much the extent of my insight into the male (or anyone's) brain.

Each of these questions gives two alternatives. Choose the one that you like best and/or do most often.
  1. White bread or wheat?
  2. Expensive cheese or expensive shampoo?
  3. SPF 4 or SPF 50?
  4. Bean burrito with onions or without?
  5. Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox?
  6. Hardwood floors in the bedrooms or carpet?
  7. A good book or a good movie?
  8. Good coffee or good beer?
  9. Mow the law in rows or in squares?
  10. Sweatpants or flannel pants?
  11. Kill the spider or run away?
  12. Feed the dog table scraps or not?
  13. Pray about it or worry about it?
  14. Yell or count to ten?
  15. Skittles or M&Ms?
  16. Save it or toss it?
  17. Recycle it or toss it?
  18. Garage sale or Goodwill?
  19. Tylenol or Advil?
  20. Expensive jeans or expensive underwear?
  21. Ceiling fan or chandelier?
  22. Ribeye or pork steak?
  23. Call or text?
  24. Apples or oranges?
  25. Diet Coke or regular?
  26. Fall or spring?
  27. Tent or camper?
  28. Grand Canyon or Cancun?
  29. Pick at it or leave it alone?
  30. Public speaking or flying?
  31. Long fingernails or short?
  32. Shovel or snowblower?
  33. Minivan or SUV?
  34. Wal-Mart or Fareway?
  35. Floss or skip it?
  36. Work from home or go to work somewhere else?
  37. Great Clips or salon?
  38. Alaskan Malamute or Shih-Tzu?
  39. Corn on the cob or wild asparagus?
  40. Black or brown?
  41. Digital camera or film?
  42. From scratch or from the box?
  43. Homemade pie or homemade bread?
  44. Big screen TV or new couch?
  45. New couch or new recliner?
  46. Lasagna or chicken alfredo?
  47. Adventureland or the zoo?
  48. Memorial Day or Labor Day?
  49. Jump in or wade in?
  50. Rock her to sleep or let her cry?
Let me know if you learn anything interesting. Let me end with a question that Simon asked me this morning: If you saw a tarantula, would you let Oliver (the dog) chase it, or would you throw a bunch of heavy pumpkins on it? I went with the pumpkins.

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