Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Barbie's new dress

Next up: matching panties. Tee hee!
It's a 2-hour late start today, which I remembered BEFORE making Simon get ready and wait for the bus (just barely, but still). Here he is watching Grace for me.

On the menu for tonight: hamburgers on the grill with German potato salad. Also on the menu for tonight: Growing Kids God's Way class. Our lesson for this week was on the five touchpoints of love, which are discussed in the book, The Five Love Languages, by Gary Chapman. Pretty interesting stuff. I'm a "quality time" and John is a "receiving gifts." You can take the assessment by clicking the button at the bottom of the page I linked to in the book title.
Simon is looking over my shoulder and it's making me nervous, so I'm going to have to stop now. He keeps asking me to see what his picture would look like upside down. What a weird, sweet kid.


  1. I love your Barbie dress! And I think socks are a more appropriate choice than undies. Don't Barbies come with pre-painted undies? And I love how I keep getting honorable mention in your blog! And here is the link for the dog I was telling Isaac about:

  2. I also love the Barbie dress! And the awesome babysitting by Simon! Good job both of you!

  3. From Alyssa Thams: I have never seen Simon babysit! He is so sweet.

    I just showed the girls the dress and they are so impressed. Haley wants you to teach her so she can make Barbie clothes so we don't have to buy them anymore. You know, because we are spending so much on Barbie clothes every month. It's out of control really.:)
