Thursday, January 13, 2011

Isaac Should Know This, Right?

So far, I've been really impressed with how well Isaac reads and how well he comprehends what he reads...when it's a fictional story. We spent 2 hours finishing up The Magician's Nephew yesterday and he LOVED it. He could probably spend 2 hours re-telling it, too. However, I can't believe some of the stuff that he doesn't know or do very well.
  • Subtraction (had to count out 12-5 on his fingers)
  • Multiplication (took 45 minutes to complete a 5-minute timed test worksheet)
  • Telling time (appears that I have just taught him this, although I'm pretty sure they've been teaching it since 1st grade)
  • Reading comprehension of anything non-fiction (as in, boring), like math, geography, and instructions for completing his assignments
I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to discover these things and help him catch up, but I have no idea how to catch him up AND stay on track with his 4th grade-level work. And his attention span does not seem much improved with the Concerta - if he doesn't like what he's doing, he is totally unable (or unwilling) to focus on it and get it done. Do I need to bribe him? Do I need to do every assignment with him for a while? I've got to figure this out!

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