Monday, March 7, 2011

This Weekend in Photos

John, the expert burper, holds Grace after achieving a very loud and juicy one. (Burp, that is.) (From Grace, not from John.)

Double Peanut Butter Paisley Brownies (good for breakfast, lunch, and dinner). Get the recipe off of a bag of Reese's Peanut Butter Chips, or click here:
 Grace's new rocker/bouncer, courtesy of our Target gift card. This beat out the crib mobile, because you can use it as a rocking chair up to 40 lbs.!

Me, sacrificing a lamb at KIDS church Sunday morning. I had some reservations about teaching blood covenants and remission of sins to a group of 4-8 year olds, but the gooey, bloody lamb definitely helped get the message across. 

Guess what else we got at Target? A hair dryer! Believe it or not, I actually do need tools to get my hair to look like this.

And that's pretty much it for the weekend. There was a nap or two in there, a trip or two to the Rec Center, and some time with our new best friend Netflix, but other than that, you've seen it all.

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