Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bread and Invisible Men

Yesterday must have been a good day for creating things. Isaac and I made honey wheat bread that turned out perfectly (thank you, bread machine and my lovely ex-coworkers who gave you to me), and Simon created the most adorable invisible men you've ever (not) seen.

The bread

The invisible men

I made soup to go with the bread - the dry mix kind that you just add to boiling water - and it was the perfect dinner (except for the minor inconvenience of listening to the kids whine about having to eat soup and then dumping most of their servings down the drain). It will reappear for lunch today as a baked potato topper. Mmmm.
In homeschooling news, Mrs. Orlano is coming today to check on our progress, so Isaac and I created a little update report for her yesterday. Have we made enough progress? I will have to let you know. We also signed him up for Iowa Tests of Basic Skills in April (yikes!). I really do want to know how he compares to other 4th graders, and I know that he's learned a lot from our time together this winter, but I'm still worried that he'll get low scores - and that it will be my fault. That's kind of selfish, isn't it? I guess I just don't want to let him down or give anyone any reason to doubt that we're doing the right thing by homeschooling.
He'll be taking it with about 10 other homeschooled kids between 3rd and 8th grade.
Isaac is now officially a math whiz; he regularly gets 90 - 100% on his math assignments and is so proud of his work...what a transformation from a month ago! He also loves Bible study, free reading (when I read to him, not so much the other way around), and reading our daily news story. The rest of his schoolwork is less enjoyable, especially the English stuff, but I think he's realizing that sometimes, schoolwork (even homeschool work) is just that - WORK.
We're going to try to get together with his dad and future stepmom to have "conferences" this week, so my mission for today is to put together an update for that meeting. It'll be posted on Isaac's homeschool page when I'm done.

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