We have been terrible lately at sticking to a schedule. Grace is wailing in her crib right now because I know it's not naptime, but she's so crabby that I don't know what else to do with her. I had forgotten how high maintenance almost-one-year-olds can be. She is everywhere, and she only likes to play with stuff she can choke on (especially paper, legos, and hair bands), and she falls and hits her head ALL the time. So if she's fussy (read: awake), doing anything else with anyone else is almost impossible, including school. And, as you've noticed, blogging. I never get to work out in the morning anymore, because she gets up early and smiley and fights to climb all over me while I try to vinyasa. And now, Isaac and Simon always want to get up "early", so mornings to myself are totally out. I think I'm going to start getting up from 2-4 am to enjoy some "me" time. I read somewhere that "me" time is selfish anyway, so I suppose I should be willing to get up at 2 if I think I need it.
The only useful information I have to pass along today is that you must read the book, Free Range Learning, by Laura Grace Weldon. It's an excellent book on homeschooling. You also must read As Always, Julia, which is a collection of letters between Julia Child and Avis DeVoto. I will probably never get to the end of either of these books, because of the aforementioned problem with me-time, so don't expect me to be able to talk intelligently about either of them. I can only vouch for the first 30 pages or so.
Are you ready for an entire Saturday of 'me time'? Well, me time with Maura? Hee! So stinkin' excited, I can't speak about it!