Check out the Schoonover Homeschool page link on the right side of the blog; I've finally updated it with our 2011 curriculum choices, and I've finally gotten all of my materials in the mail from the many bargain sites I've been shopping (I may be really bad at couponing, but online deal-getting is my new thing). I'm SO excited about school - and yet, absolutely terrified too. However, I am proclaiming here and now and once and for all that THIS YEAR WILL BE A SUCCESS and homeschooling will be a blessing to each and every member of this family. I will not fail miserably as a mom or teacher, nor will my children end up hating me/school/their life. Or if they do, it will be because of their own stubbornness, not the lack of awesomeness in their homeschool experience. So there. No more freaking out. (That was directed at me, not at all of you, who have been supportive and wonderful.)
Our teaching/learning style this year is a blend of Charlotte Mason, classical education, and unit studies, which are my three favorite "types" of homeschooling. And, before you get too impressed, I did NOT make up my own lesson plans; they are from My Father's World, and all I have to do is buy the supplies and follow the instructions.
Another big change for us this year is that we will not be dual-enrolling or using the HSAP (homeschool assistance program) through the school; we're hiring an independent supervising teacher instead. While I'm not opposed to or trying to hide from the public school system, I don't think that taxpayers will be getting their money's worth by investing their money into Isaac and Simon's education, because I don't think that we're going to need or use any of the school's services or resources this year. I can't remember the numbers, but a certain amount of tax dollars go to the school for every dual-enrolled and, to a lesser extent, HSAP child, so I really think that I'm doing the best thing for all of us by going it alone this year. If/when one of them expresses an interest in music, sports, or something else that can only be done through the school, we'll reconsider.
Wednesday is our official first day of school...our main goal is to get up and get ready on time (downstairs and ready to learn at 8 am) and generate some enthusiasm. GO SCHOOL!
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