Sunday, February 20, 2011

We're Back!

It's been a few weeks, and our adoring public (a.k.a. my parents) have missed us, so I'm renewing my efforts to make regular posts. Isaac has had some absolutely wonderful days on his new medication, and he's been different in so many ways that it's hard to believe that it's all caused by one little pill. I think the medicine eliminates a lot of the frustration he's felt when he's trying to do schoolwork, which makes him feel better about himself, which makes him a more pleasant kid all around. He's more attentive, more respectful, kinder to his siblings, and a LOT less whiny. Awesome, huh?
We're also trying to do more work on the computer. He's doing all of his math lessons on the software that came with his textbook, and we're doing spelling online using (very cool and free, and you can use your own spelling lists). I'm going to start having him practice typing using another great free site -, so that he can do some of his writing assignments on the computer too. John and I tried (unsuccessfully) to get Isaac's computer hooked up to the internet this weekend, but I'm pretty sure that I did at least get the phone line connected to our homeschool room (see photo below - is this some kind of hazard??)

This week, our goals are:

  1. To survive Monday (a no school day for Simon) without screaming, tantrums, or Wii-playing (NO more Super Mario Bros! Ever!)
  2. To get Isaac's computer online. Preferably without the help of professionals.
  3. To make the new bacon and date scone recipe I found (you BASTE the scones with the BACON DRIPPINGS...could it get any better than that???)
  4. To spend as little money as possible and start sticking to the new budget I just made. Wal-Mart is off limits this week!
  5. To blog at least two more times. With something of interest. Or at least a cute photo or two.
Here's Isaac working away at the computer. Notice that he's not looking at the camera, because he's decided that he doesn't want his face to be posted on the internet. I think he thinks that I'm purposely endangering him. I tried to reassure him that the only people who ever read this are related to him, but, as usual, he's convinced that he knows better than I. Someday, he'll think I'm smart...


  1. well.. I'm not related, but I got to hold him as a baby and I would no way endanger dear Isaac. congrats on the new baby! warm thoughts from the east coast, michelle

  2. Michelle! If I could figure out how to respond directly to you, I would, but I'm hoping that you get this message somehow anyway. I miss you! I am going to try to email you later if I can find your address/Facebook page!! Thank you for the comment! :-)

  3. hello again allison!!! no more facebook, but my email is write me! I don't know if I have your most current email. going to try to get to iowa in early summer-ish. (ps: you look great in that blue-green dress on your profile pic... I don't really believe you are a mother of four)
