Saturday, February 4, 2012

What's Been Happening at School Lately

First, some things I want to take a closer look at (after a lazy morning of surfing the net):
Living Math!
Science Bob's Science Blog
Cyberchase cartoon show
Clever Dragons

Fun (and not-so-fun) stuff we've been doing at school lately:
The book of Matthew - ch. 13 (memory verse Matt. 6:19-21)
The Cricket in Times Square
Plural nouns (s, es, ies, irregulars)
John Wesley
Mary Slessor
Lizards & lizards as pets
Simon - two-digit math carrying the ones
Isaac - real world math; figuring area and perimeter
River ecosystems
Grassland ecosystems
Parables - what is a parable, what parables did Jesus tell, why
No spelling. We needed a break, and I (the best speller in the family) am convinced that good spelling comes by reading, not by spelling drills
Laundry - Isaac can do both washer & dryer; Simon can do the dryer
Independent Bible study & prayer (not going so well - I need more kids' bibles)